General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of FECCLAHA. Its mandate is to: appoint members of the Executive Committee; approve policies formulated and forwarded to it by the Executive Committee; dealing with all matters relating to the constitution of FECCLAHA. The General assembly is held every two years and comprised of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Honorary Treasurer as well as delegates from the FECCLAHA membership.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Honorary Treasurer and three other representatives of members of FECCLAHA as appointed by the General Assembly.
It is in charge of: overseeing the work of the Secretariat, enacting by-laws and regulations; giving guidance on matters of policies to the secretariat; annually approving the programs and budgets of FECCLAHA. The Committee meets at least twice every year.
The Secretariat, based in Nairobi-Kenya is charged with: the implementation of policy decisions made by the Executive Committee and the General Assembly regarding the affairs of FECCLAHA; facilitating the day-to-day effective running of the FECCLAHA Secretariat office and programs.