Richard Mutabazi, Mayor of the District of Busegera, launches the symbolic FECCLAHA Regional Peace Village
FECCLAHA recognizes the role played by faith communities in providing psychosocial support and is aware of challenges that those providing support face. Those leading in trauma healing ministry especially church leaders and peace actors are often left to deal with the traumatic situation they are facing on daily basis.
Jesus, in his Ministry, as he continued to preach and perform miracles, he often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer ( Luke 5:16). Jesus withdrew to isolated places and prayed. It is therefore obvious that Jesus went on retreat often because he knew that he needed time away from the crowds to pray. He didn’t just take a few moments of prayer nor just a quiet time in the morning but rather, Jesus took a break from his busy and growing ministry to be quiet with his Heavenly Father.
Also, the Church leaders and peace actors burn out in their efforts to promote peace through various initiatives. They also end up being exhausted and traumatized. They therefore need to take time for rest, reflect, and, above all to pray.
”The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all (Psalms 34: 18 – 19)” shared Rev. Canon Rosemary Mbogo.
It is this regard that FECCLAHA organized a 3-day retreat for church leaders to provide them with safe spaces and time for healing, reflection, fellowship and for prayers. The retreat provided them with opportunities to share their experiences of success, and challenges. Additionally, they deepened their understanding on trauma and the integrated approach of trauma healing and peace building work. Furthermore, the retreat provided them with spaces for peer learning and narrating their experiences and strategies to overcome challenges.
In its efforts to provide safe spaces for reflection, healing and learning, FECCLAHA established the FECCLAHA Regional Peace Village (FRPV). In the African Context, a village brings in the aspect of refreshing, cohesion, unity and togetherness with a sense of communion.
Church leaders sharing session moderated by Rev. Dr. Ibrahim Wushishi, World Council of Churches (WCC) Programme executive for peacebuilding in the African region and the Former General Secretary of the Christian Council of Nigeria.
It is in light of this, that the word “Village” was used. Therefore, the FECCLAHA Regional Peace Village will offer opportunity for church leaders and peace actors (men, women, youth) to connect, unite and reason together. (Isaiah 1: 18 NIV). The Rwanda Retreat therefore marked the beginning of the FECCLAHA Regional Peace Village.
The target group was Church leaders from 11 members of national councils of churches. These are mainly the general secretaries of the National Councils of Churches and the Executive Committee members. Selected former General Secretaries were also invited to share their experiences during the retreat.
”We need collaboration and sharing of information regarding mental health especially among us church leaders.” said Bishop Mugabo Evalister, Lutheran Church of Rwanda (LCR) – Advisor_CPR Executive Committee.
The grand launch of the FECCLAHA Regional Peace Village held in Kigali, Rwanda was a scene of pomp and glamour with representatives from various countries